Tactical Functional Training
**Please note - You will be redirected to our sales and marketing partner Innocorp, ltd. makers of Fatal Vision products for access to the TFT app.**

Purchase the TFT Police Fitness Training App Today

TFT’s mission is simple; train law enforcement officers to be capable of handling the physical demands the profession brings throughout every officer’s career. We aren’t here to give you a six pack or build you monster biceps. We’re here to get you in shape and keep you in shape. Being a fit officer not only allows you to better do your job, but keep yourself and your colleagues safe.

For aspiring officers, TFT offers an extensive training program to prepare for the exercises that come with every police academy’s curriculum. Our exercises will not only help you pass each physical test, but excel and stand out to potential employers. For current officers, you already understand the need to stay fit in order to handle both the everyday grind, and survive those career defining moments. TFT’s health and wellness programs will help you get back in rookie year shape and stay there. We focus on strengthening the key exposure points that lead to most every officer’s early retirement or permanent disability, increasing your endurance and building both tactical strength and explosiveness.

Dear future self, I'm taking fitness seriously!
You're welcome.

Start working towards a
better career & healthier life

Purchase the TFT app:

Fitness is making a series of small daily choices. Your first choice is to purchase the TFT app and change the small daily behaviors that could otherwise lead to an early career-ending injury.
Tactical Functional Fitness is ready to help you get in proper policing shape and prepare your body for battle against every eventuality.
Purchase the app and get started today.
**Please note - You will be redirected to our sales and marketing partner Innocorp, ltd. makers of Fatal Vision products for access to the TFT app.**

Train Right Get home at Night™

The TFT Program correlated each exercise to movements, actions, tasks, and situations an officer would find themselves in. I believe our recruits are more prepared both physically and mentally for the challenges of patrol services after completing this program.

Officer Linda B.

Officer of Madison Police Department

Madison, WI

The TFT Program showed me that little to no equipment is needed for a solid, well-rounded fitness program. As a member of the Dubuque Police Department's fitness committee, I highly recommend this program.

Officer Chad C.

Officer for the Dubuqe Police Department

Dubuque, Iowa

It focuses people's attention on what is necessary as a responsibility not only when they get hired, and they're on duty, but also when they're off-duty. This job requires me to be physically fit. It incorporates workouts geared towards our line of work.

Cory P.

U.S. Navy & Law Enforcement Academy Recruit

Since starting this program I've lost 50 lbs. I'm sitting here competing with kids who are 10 years younger then me and SMOKIN' them in the gym now. And it just feels GREAT. This program is definitely going to give you that step up.

Todd C.

Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement Student

Chicago, IL

Train Right Get home at night.

Police Academy Requirements by State: